Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe: Iceberg! Iceberg! Full Speed Ahead!

sinking shipThere are some carriers who are actively talking up the elimination of Saturday mail delivery in their post offices. They want the weekends off. Those carriers have eye problems: they have tunnel vision and they’re near-sighted.

They also have “I” problems. They’re so focused on themselves that they can’t see beyond the tips of their own noses.

It’s all about the Big Three: Me, Myself and I.

But what they don’t seem to understand is that the battle the NALC and the other postal unions are waging against the postmaster general and certain members of Congress has more to it than just the elimination of Saturday mail delivery. Much more.

The postmaster general’s obsession with ending Saturday delivery is just the tip of the iceberg, a humongous iceberg that threatens to smash a hole in the hull of the U.S. Postal Service.

To follow that metaphor a little further, ponder this: The captain of the ill-fated British ship, the RMS Titanic, ignored a number of warnings that ultimately sealed the ship’s fate and the fate of 1,502 people on board that luxury liner.

The captain of the USPS on the other hand isn’t merely ignoring the warnings of an impending collision with an iceberg, he knows where the iceberg is and despite that knowledge, he’s purposefully navigating the ship toward it, with the intention of sinking it.

And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, he has members of the crew ripping holes in the hull just in case the iceberg doesn’t make a big enough gash.

At this very moment, as we steam toward that iceberg, the Postal Service, with the attitude of ‘the public be damned,’ is frantically closing area post offices and selling them. In addition, it is also consolidating mail processing facilities all over the country. The PMG has assured the public that this won’t adversely affect mail service but you and I know that to be a lie.

It’s obvious from the PMG’s actions since taking office that he doesn’t care about the ship, the passengers or the crew. Like those carriers I mentioned earlier, the PMG is near-sighted and has “I” trouble. He is a very short-sighted man.

The difference between Patrick Donahoe and the self-centered carriers is that he will get much more than just Saturdays off. Yes, the captain of the Titanic went down with his ship. But don’t expect the captain of the USPS to go down with his ship. Oh, no. This captain already has prepared for himself a golden lifeboat. When this ship starts to go down, he will be one of the first one’s off.

Adios, suckers!

It will be every man, woman and child for themselves.

And then once the ship has disappeared from sight into the murky waters, a new ship will be built. But this one won’t be built by the government. No, this new one will be built by corporations. And there may be several ships instead of just one.

These ships will be private and they’ll be for profit. You think 46 cents is a lot to pay for a first-class stamp? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

That mail box on your house? Kiss that baby good-bye. Oh, and there’s a good possibility you can kiss that one at the curb good-bye too, especially if you live in a rural area. It will cost too much to drive out there so you’ll have to come to a designated centralized location.

When the Founding Fathers established our postal service it was primarily for “service,” not profit. The emphasis was and is on service, not profit. But there are those in Washington, our illustrious captain among them, who thinks this idea of service over profits is a waste of valuable resources.

We’re now living in the era of austerity in America. The overriding philosophy of those in government is that we’re hurting financially, so instead of investing money in projects that would create employment and ultimately would add money to our national treasury, we are cutting jobs, cutting employment.

Our PMG has, unfortunately, adopted Congress’s misguided plan for prosperity, slashing and burning post offices and mail facilities and–they hope–Saturdays.

And later, according to the captain, we will cut yet another day.

And then, another.

“Asked about the long term, Donahoe said, ‘At some point, we’ll have to move to three’ days a week of mail delivery, possibly in 15 years,”–USA Today, July 19, 2011.

Those carriers who’re now eagerly anticipating having weekends off, may not be so happy when they have an additional day off and a cut in pay. And a cut in benefits.

Then again, there are those who say, “I don’t care. I’m going to abandon ship before it sinks. I’ve put in 30 plus years, I’ve got my pension.”

I’ve got news for you. When you jump ship, that life-vest you’re wearing–your pension and Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare–it’s not going to be fully inflated. There are those in

Congress right now who are working to let the air out of your life-vest. Have you ever tried floating in water with a deflated flotation device?

Wave to Leonardo DiCaprio on your way down.

It’s up to you and me–active and retired letter carriers–to keep the ship afloat. The answer is political activism. Call and write your representatives today and tell them to support S.316 and H.R. 630, the Postal Service Protection Act.

This is the solution to the USPS’s crisis, not the elimination of Saturday delivery and thousands of jobs.

NALC’s President Fred Rolando On Oklahoma Tornado: “We Must Match Its Ferocity with Our Generosity”

Oklahoma Tornado_LLVPostal employees recovering from Oklahoma tornado: The devastating tornado that struck outside Oklahoma City on May 20, killed at least 24 people, including one member of the APWU. NALC Region 4 Regional Administrative Assistant Dan Versluis reports that, according to Branch 458 in Oklahoma City, the Moore station took an indirect hit. It appears that all carriers’ personal vehicles in the Moore Post Office parking lot were destroyed. Several carriers suffered damage to, or total loss of, their homes but there are no reports of injury or loss of life involving carriers. “When a storm like this hits, we must match its ferocity with our own generosity,” NALC President Fredric Rolando said. “Please contribute to the Postal Employees’ Relief Fund, to help our brothers, sisters and co-workers rebuild after this tragedy.” Click here for PERF’s official website. Click here to find out how you can contribute to PERF immediately via text message.

Update: Oklahoma City Branch 458 has created a relief fund for the immediate help of NALC members affected by the Moore tornado. You can send donations to: Branch 458 Relief Fund, Branch 458, 221 S. Eagle Lane, Oklahoma City, OK 73128. Contributions or gifts to the Branch 458 Relief Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

Deadline Looms to Sign Rep. DeFazio’s “We the People” Petition to Save the Postal Service

Save Our Service

By Fredric Rolando, President
National Association of Letter Carriers

On April 24, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) launched a “We the People” petition on the White House website. The congressman’s goal is to get President Obama to act to save the Postal Service and save American jobs by preserving delivery standards and ending the unique, unfair mandate to aggressively pre-fund future retiree health benefits.

Recently, the White House quadrupled the number of signatures needed to trigger a response—to 100,000—and it imposed shorter time limits for collection of signatures. The deadline for this petition is next Friday, May 24, and thanks to letter carrier activists, more than 24,000 Americans have already signed DeFazio’s petition, far more than the vast majority of petitions on the We the People site.

I encourage all off-the-clock active letter carriers and retired NALC members to sign the petition, and I urge our co-workers, family members and friends to do the same.

Here’s how to sign the petition:

Click this link.
On the “We the People” petition web page, click CREATE AN ACCOUNT (if you have not already) or SIGN IN. (If you have an account, sign in and skip to Step 6.)
Enter your e-mail address, name and ZIP code.
The website will then send you an e-mail message. Open it and click the link provided to activate your account.
Once your account is activated, click this link again to go to the petition page.

I am grateful to Rep. DeFazio for all of his efforts to strengthen the Postal Service. On Feb. 13, he introduced the Postal Service Protection Act (H.R. 630), further demonstrating his great advocacy as one who knows the value of what we do for the country, the economy and the citizens we serve, and proving his commitment to leading the fight to preserve affordable universal service, six-days a week. (H.R. 630 is the companion bill to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) S. 316.)

As always, thank you for your ongoing support for the U.S. Postal Service.

NALC: Thanks to All Those Who Participated In Saturday’s Nationwide Food Drive to “Stamp Out Hunger” !

Stamp Out HungerNational Association of Letter Carriers

Food Drive: Thank you to everyone who participated in our 21st annual national Letter Carriers’ Food Drive to combat hunger. Yesterday, all across America, letter carriers collected non-perishable food donations as they delivered mail along their postal routes. Special thanks go to the customers who left food by their mailboxes, and to the thousands of family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers who helped sort and distribute food to local food banks. Check back for updates.

Letter Carriers Collect Food Today to Help “Stamp Out Hunger”

Today’s the day!!! Please leave food at your mailbox for the letter carriers’ 21st annual “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive. All collected food goes to neighborhood food banks, many of which are extremely low at this time of the year.
Stamp Out Hunger 2013









Sign the Petition to Get Your Voice Heard on Postal Reform

Delivering for AmericaCutting Saturday mail is not the way to reform the United States Postal Service. The real culprit of USPS losses is pre-funding, which is responsible for 78 percent of the USPS’s $42.5 billion in losses since 2007. To save the USPS from such financially crippling policies, Congressman DeFazio of Oregon has launched a “We The People” petition that demands a more responsible reform strategy. The petition asks Congress to support H.R. 630, legislation that preserves Saturday mail, ends a 2006 ban prohibiting the USPS from offering new products and services and re-establishes overnight delivery standards to ensure timely delivery of mail and prevent the closure of mail plants. Senator Sanders of Vermont has filed a companion bill, S. 316, in the Senate.

If we reach 100,000 signatures on the petition by May 24th, administration policy experts will take notice and consider the proposal. We’re still more than 80,000 signatures away from our goal, so we need your help!

Add your name to show your support for policies that strengthen – not weaken – the USPS: Petition.


Meaghan Slater
Delivering for America

Encourage Everyone to Sign Rep. DeFazio’s “We the People” Petition in Support of the Postal Service and Its Future

Save America's Postal ServiceFredric Rolando, President
National Association of Letter Carriers

On April 24, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) launched a “We the People” petition on the White House website to urge the Obama administration to:

  • support a comprehensive postal reform package that would end the pre-funding of retiree health benefits
  • mandate six-day mail delivery
  • allow for creation of new streams of revenue through non-postal services, and
  • return to the Postal Service the pension account surpluses with CSRS and FERS.

Please encourage as many members of your community as possible to sign the petition. Ask your friends, family members and neighbors to show their support for the USPS by signing it.

Here’s how:

  • On the “We the People” petition web page, click CREATE AN ACCOUNT (if you have not already) or SIGN IN. (If you have an account, sign in and skip to Step 6.)
  • Enter your e-mail address, name and ZIP code.
  • The website will then send you an e-mail message. Open it and click the link provided to activate your account.

Thank you for your ongoing support for the U.S. Postal Service.

IN ADDITION..Don’t Forget this Saturday is our “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive!


Help Save the U.S. Postal Service

Help Save the Postal ServiceThis is a cross-post from AFL-CIO Now
Jackie Tortora and Kenneth Quinnell

Do you care about keeping post offices open, ensuring Saturday delivery for years to come and stopping proposals to lay off postal workers?

Please sign a petition to support a bill that would end the requirement that the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) pre-fund 75 years of retiree health care benefits.

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) filed legislation to end this requirement. The legislation that forces the requirement, passed by Congress in 2006, is unprecedented, as no other private or public entity has to meet such a standard. That requirement is the key factor driving Postal Service deficits and defaults and has led to proposals to end Saturday service, close rural post offices and lay off postal workers. Think Progress reports the USPS would have a $1.5 billion surplus if it wasn’t for the pre-funding rule set by the Republican majority in Congress.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced companion legislation in the Senate.

Read more from the Letter Carriers (NALC) about the truth behind the Postal Service’s finances.

Other postal news:
NALC’s President Rolando: Unjust Pre-Funding of Benefits is Killing the Postal Service

The Plight of the Postal Service

Our Safety Came Last Again

On May 11th Support the 21st Annual “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive

Standing Strong for Our Vision of the USPS Against Any Blowback

Fred RolandoBy Fredric Rolando, President
National Association of Letter Carriers

Thanks to the thousands of NALC activists who wrote or telephoned their members of Congress, recruited community allies for the March 24th rallies and generally mobilized the public to fight plans to dismantle the Postal Service, we scored a key victory in April.

After Congress adopted a continuing resolution to fund the government through the rest of the current fiscal year (ending Sept. 30, 2013) that maintains the decades-old mandate on the Postal Service to provide six-day mail delivery, Postmaster General Pat Donahoe refused to say whether he would follow through on his earlier threat to ignore the will of Congress and implement the move to five-day service in August. Fortunately, the Postal Service’s Board of Governors decided on April 10 to back down on the PMG’s threat and wisely decided to obey the law, responding to the public outcry we generated and following the legal advice issued by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

It seems the Board (perhaps following the lead of the PMG) is not content to accept the will of Congress and let the democratic process work to decide the future of the Postal Service. Instead, it decided to engage in a bit of payback. The Board directed the postmaster general to seek to reopen the Postal Service’s labor contracts with its unions just weeks after we received the Das arbitration award. It also called on the Postal Service to request rate hikes on newspapers and periodical mailers. What connects these two actions? Both are directed at parties that have most strongly resisted the PMG’s disastrous “shrink to survive” business strategy.